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Automate Everything: Collecting Knowledge

Automate Everything: Collecting Knowledge

Collecting and passing on knowledge has been an integral part in human history. Starting with primitive shapes and paintings on cave walls to unlimited information in the modern, „Internet Era“. The sheer amount of modern day information makes it hard to organize and grasp novel information. To solve this problem i propose a new way of organising and collecting newly acquired information.


To enable a fast and reliable way of saving and organizing data, i chose to create a text editor that, in its final release, should make the creation of files or folders obsolete. Instead it will learn form the behaviour of the user and automatically create the structure in the background (example following shortly).

The Editor


The Editor itself follows two premises:

  1. It is primarily an Editor for a power user. That means that there is a short learning curve to get used to the interaction, but this comes with a great improvement of speed (e.g shortcuts instead of icons).

  2. It should make use of user habits. If for example I create a new section two times in a row at the same time and location, it will automatically save the content under this section.

The organization of content is as of this moment done by creating (by pressing „+“, not yet implemented) or referencing a section (by pressing „@“ followed by „enter“) klicking in the section will then bring the user to the route of the section.

Instead of pressing enter after creating a new section it is also possible to add the „public“ tag. This will make the created section editable for all users logged into the app.

It will also be possible to create a new section with a „once“ tag. This will not show the section in the auto complete suggestion box. This feature will make it possible to share sections without the edit feature (e.g for creating a „Dokumentation“)


The development process turned out to be much harder than anticipated. The HTML conenteditable element alone turned out to be a super bad implementation to use with a editor like this (with image, canvas, segment support). Thats why I chose to use the draft.js workaround from facebook (that actually runs facebooks edit fields). This was a much better approach to content editable. This also allowed me to create modules for each new feature (at the moment only the reference section one „@“)

Using redux as the data handling tool and an immutable state the editor is and will be blazingly fast even with a much higher amount of features.

The current state of the editor can be seen here:

Ein Projekt von



Art des Projekts

Studienarbeit im ersten Studienabschnitt


foto: Sebastian Schmieg


Sommersemester 2016