Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Fachhochschule Potsdam

In seiner Funktionalität auf die Lehre in gestalterischen Studiengängen zugeschnitten... Schnittstelle für die moderne Lehre

Incom ist die Kommunikations-Plattform der Fachhochschule Potsdam mehr erfahren

the optimized human // walking right

Now-a-days, everyone seems to be thinking about the stand-by mode of the new TV and how much energy it needs, or about how much energy it burns to fly to Thailand.

But have you ever thought about how much energy you need to climb the stairs to your apartment? Or how much energy you burn while running after the bus?

We propose: when it comes to saving energy, we should really start with ourselves! And that’s what our movie is about.

various background info

  • about 5 to 30 times more energy (than contained) have to be invested in the production of food, depending on the type of food (meat: more energy intensive; wheat: best input/output ratio).

[source: ]

  • By 2007, food-related activities were claiming 16 percent of the U.S. energy budget.

  • over 80 percent of the increase in annual U.S. energy consumption was food related.

  • Energy consumption by the food-transport sector jumped 24 percent between 1997 and 2002.

[source: ]

Steak (200g): 1000KJ x 20 (production) = 20.000 KJ = 20MJ Gasoline: 35MJ/l --> large steak = 1 liter of Gasoline

[source: wikipedia]

sitting idle: 70 Cal/hour sitting, talking on the phone: 100 Cal/hour walking: 150 Cal/hour jogging: 800 Cal/hour

[source: ]

Does a Marathon really make sense?

it’s not healthy, and it really burns a lot of Calories/Energy

~3000Cal per Person per Marathon -->

NYC Marathon (43k runners): 129 million calories; all Marathons (1 year: 1.3mio runners): 3.9 billion calories

1 elementary school lunch: 800 Calories

--> 157.000 / 4.75mio school lunches equivalent

[source: (marathon numbers)]

Ein Projekt von



Art des Projekts

Keine Angabe


foto: HF


Wintersemester 2010 / 2011